Fasting Camp is back!

日期: 27-29/12/2008(三天兩夜 48小時)
地點: Hutan Lipur Bukit Hijau, Kedah Refer :
費用: RM250 (30/11前)或 RM280 (30/11后)
招收人數: 24-30
截止日期: 30/11/2008
課程:斷食療法少食療法 復食療法 飲食療法 大相療法運動 印度蹲
乾刷 刷牙齦 刮舌 排肝毒 排胆石colon cleansing (optional)
For accommodation, it is 4p 1chalet. If you keen to request for 2p 1chalet, pls add extra charge RM40 per head and state down who is your roomate in the application form.
Pls take note that the language medium we are using is mandarin.
New! This time i will incorporate ayurvedic cleansing on liver and gallstone. At the sametime, participant is able to choose to have their colon cleansing or not. Anyway, they will be given cleansing powder during the camp to clean their colon. This method is by Master Maha from Thailand.
Jom! Go fasting with ahmad.........
My contact: 0125867616(h/p) 045377566(o) or