Whole fruit, green leafy vegetables lower diabetes risk

6 May 2008

The health benefits of eating fruit and vegetables are already well known but now a new study has found that fruit and vegetables may also reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, depending on what type and how you eat them.

Americans researchers from the Harvard Medical School and associates studied more than 71,000 women aged 38 to 63 years to determine the link between the development of type 2 diabetes and the consumption of all fruits and vegetables, specific groups and fruit juices.

The women did not have heart disease, diabetes or cancer when the study started and were followed for 18 years, during which time they completed a food questionnaire every four years.

The results, published in the 4 April Diabetes Care ahead of print, show that while increasing total fruit and vegetable consumption may not reduce diabetes risk, eating more whole fruit and green leafy vegetables can.

The researchers found that an increase of three servings a day of whole fruit was associated with an 18 per cent reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

An increase of one serve of green leafy vegetables was associated with a 9 per cent reduced risk of diabetes.

However, one extra serving of fruit juice a day was associated with an 18 per cent increase in diabetes risk and the researchers caution against considering 100 per cent fruit juice as a serving of fruit.

They suggest that replacing refined grains and white potatoes with fruits and vegetables could have a significant benefit for reducing diabetes risk.

The message – there are many reasons to increase your intake of fruit and vegetables, but if your goal is to reduce your diabetes risk, eat whole fruit, not juiced and include plenty of green leafy vegetables in your meals.

For tips on increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables, visit http://www.gofor2and5.com.au/

- Bazzano et al. Intake of Fruit, Vegetables, and Fruit Juices and Risk of Diabetes in Women. Diabetes Care Publish Ahead of Print published online 4 April, 2008

[ Ahmad comment : Instead of gofor2and5, we strongly advice you to go for the opposite-5 and 2. That mean 5 serving of fruits and 2 serving of vegetables. ]


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