Yarrow Liver Compress

Ingredients & Direction

Dried yarrow -1 rounded tsp

Boiling Water 300ml

Make tea, cover for 3-5mins

Binding wraps - one woolen and one cotton (or a towel folded lengthwise)

2 safety pins

Tea towel - wringing cloth for compress

Double thickness cotton cloth to cover liver area - approx. 30cm X 20cm

Lightly filled hot water bag to go over compress to keep as warm as possible - (must not cool).

Have binding cloths ready on bed.

Room darkened and quiet - no reading, TV, radio or other noise or sensory stimulation through therapy.

Have hot water bag for feet if cold.

After 3-5 min, strain the tea and wet the compress rolled up in the tea towel keeping the ends of the tea towel dry. Wring out really well, unwrap and remove the compress cloth and place it over liver area (right side of torso over lower ribs and down to the side).

Wrap firmly in binding wraps and pin. Lay hot water bag over the top taking care not to burn.

Cover and leave to rest 20-30 min.

It is best done between 1-3pm.

For acute situations, it should be done daily. e.g. chemotherapy - or may be 2-3times a week. Find a rhythm through the week. - e.g mon/wed/fri every week.

It is important to reduce the sensory stimulation through the therapy and rest.

This compress detoxifies, stimulates and provides support for the liver It will helps to warm the metabolism and support vitality.

IPMT Taiwan 2011








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